Here’s Every Fallout 4 Item Code

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Last updated on November 23, 2021

If you’re looking for Fallout 4 cheats and console commands, you’ve come to the right place. These are a fantastic way to bring some order to Boston’s nuclear wasteland—well, maybe not order in the traditional sense, but they can definitely give you greater control over the game. With that said, what is a Fallout 4 item code?

Fallout 4 item codes are the game’s console command ID for every item that exists in the game. Each item has a unique code, or ID, identified in the game files that exist somewhere in the Fallout 4 world. Entering the item code in the console will spawn it in your immediate vicinity.

The console command has your back if you struggle to find an item or weapon (or ammo), can’t be bothered to search for it, or simply don’t want to wait until late-game when the item spawns. Instead, if you plan to experiment and have a great time in the game, these item codes will add value to your experience. So, what are some of the Fallout 4 item codes?

Fallout 4 Console Commands

Fallout 4 console

The tilde key (~) unlocks the console, allowing you to modify your stats, speed up time, and create enemies or weapons with the simple touch of a key. Simply turn on the console, type in the command or item code, press Enter, and then close it to see the trick take effect. 

It’s worth mentioning that depending on your keyboard’s regional settings, the tilde key might not function; in that case, use the apostrophe ( ` ) key instead.

Bethesda’s games are shining examples of how PC games should be made among the few studios that genuinely care about PC gaming. Bethesda works hard on PC titles like Skyrim, Doom, and the Fallout series.


Fallout 4 is no exception to Bethesda’s tradition of providing extra content for PC gamers. Fallout 4 is a big game with a massive environment, and getting quality weapons, armor, and items requires considerable grinding.

However, some codes may be used to generate items in the game, making life a little simpler for PC gamers. These codes will allow you to generate guns, bottle caps, and other items in your immediate vicinity.

Open the command prompt and type: player.placeatme [item code] to spawn an item near your current position. It will help if you press the keys “CRTL+F” to search for a specific item in this list.

Standard ItemsItem CodeCropsItem Code
Rad Away00023742Carrot000F742E
Fusion Core00075FE4Corn000330F8
Nuka-Cola Quantum0004835FGourd000EF24D
Crafting MaterialsItem CodeRazorgrain000E0043
Steel 000731A4
Wood 000731A3ShipmentsQtyItem Code
Rubber 00106D98Shipment of Steel100001EC131
Concrete 00106D99Shipment of Steel52001EC132
Plastic 0006907FShipment of Acid25001EC133
Aluminum 0006907AShipment of Adhesive 50001EC134
Circuitry 0006907BShipment of Adhesive 25001EC135
Copper 0006907CShipment of Aluminum 50001EC136
Crystal 0006907DShipment of Aluminum 25001EC137
Fiber Optics 00069087Shipment of Ballistic Fiber25001EC138
Gears 0006907EShipment of Antiseptic 25001EC139
Glass 00069085Shipment of Aspestos25001EC13A
Lead 000AEC63Shipment of Ceramic 25001EC13B
Screw 00069081Shipment of Circuitry 25001EC13C
Spring 00069082Shipment of Circuitry 50001EC13D
Acid 001BF72DShipment of Cloth 25001EC13E
Adhesive 001BF72EShipment of Concrete50001EC13F
Ballistic Fiber 000AEC5BShipment of Copper 25001EC140
Antiseptic 001BF72FShipment of Cork – 2525001EC141
Asbestos 000AEC5CShipment of Crystals 25001EC142
Bone 000AEC5DShipment of Fertilizer 25001EC143
Ceramic 000AEC5EShipment of Fiberglass 25001EC144
Cloth 000AEC5FShipment of Fiber Optics 25001EC145
Cork 000AEC60Shipment of Gears 25001EC146
Fertilizer 001BF730Shipment of Glass 25001EC147
Fiberglass 000AEC61Shipment of Gold 25001EC148
Gold 000AEC62Shipment of Lead 25001EC149
Nuclear Material 00069086Shipment of Leather – 2525001EC14A
Oil 001BF732Shipment of Nuclear Material 25001EC14B
Silver 000AEC66Shipment of Oil 25001EC14C
Leather 000AEC64Shipment of Plastic 25001EC14D
Vanity ItiemsItem CodesShipment of Rubber 25001EC14E
Antique Globe 0001D975Shipment of Screws 25001EC14F
Clean Globe 001A7DA5Shipment of Silver 25001EC150
Classroom Globe 0014DD40Shipment of Springs 25001EC151
Signed Baseball 0004BAE8Shipment of Wood 50001EC151
Baseball 00059A76Shipment of Wood100001EC152
Collectible Baseball 000E3764Vanity ItemsItem Codes
Youth League Baseball 0014DD17Left Foot Bones 000347EB
New Power Cables 00091FD2Right Foot Bones 000347EA
Power Relay Coil 00091FDELeft Hand Bones 000347E3
Straw Pillow 00060EC7Right Hand Bones 000347E2
Fusion Pulse Charge 00059ACDTibia 00188C9C
Telephone 00059B15Skull Cap Bone 00188CA2
Hot Plate 00059ADBSkull Fragment 00188CA1
Ceramic Bowl 00023C32Human Jaw 00188CA0
Cracked Bowl 00023C34Skull Eye Socket 00188C9F
Red Plate 00165327Skull Faceplate 00188C9E
White Plate 00165326Broken Tibia 00188C9B
Bowl 00140B1ABroken Femur 00188C9A
Ashtray 0008E370Femur 00188C99
Yellow Plate 00165328Shem Drowne’s Skull 00147D5D
Teacup 00192699Chalk 00140D98
Yellow-Trimmed Plate 0015CDF7Military Grade Duct Tape 00060E78
Clean Red Plate 0015CDF6Piezonucleic Liner 0002CC42
Clean White Plate 0015CDF5Military Ammo Bag 00060E77
Unused Ashtray 000E3762Industrial Oil Canister 001AB5EE
Dirty Ashtray 0008E371Aluminum Canister 00176054
Empty Floral Barrel Vase 00061AFETV Dinner Tray 00059B2C
Empty Floral Bud Vase 00061AFDSurgical Tray 00059AD8
Empty Floral Vaulted Vase 00061AFBCoolant Cap 000E1FF0
Empty Floral Flared Vase 00061AF3Cake Pan 0001A333
Empty Floral Rounded Vase 00061AF0Clean Coffee Tin 00020191
Empty Willow Barrel Vase 00061AE1Clean Cake Pan 0001A32F
Empty Willow Bud Vase 00061AE0Coffee Tin 00020194
Empty Willow Vaulted Vase 00061ADFVegetable Starch 000657FE
Empty Willow Flared Vase 00061ADEAnti Freeze Bottle 00060E73
Empty Willow Rounded Vase 00061AD0Suprathaw Antifreeze 001C7F31
Empty Teal Barrel Vase 00061ABCReactor Coolant 0017BE8B
Empty Teal Bud Vase 00061ABBCoolant 000C437F
Empty Teal Vaulted Vase 00061AB6Ichor Sac 00028A62
Empty Teal Flared Vase 00061AB5Gold Bar 00100E1E
Empty Teal Rounded Vase 00061AB1Copper Bar 00100E19
Clean Bowl 00140B31Ball-Peen Hammer 0004D1F3
Warwick Pump Part 0005927EHammer 001A4AB0
Clean Umbrella Stand 000BA3F8Claw Hammer 001A0B14
Umbrella Stand 000BA3F7Blacksmith Hammer 001A0B13
Colonial Vase 0014DDFBMasonry Hammer 001A0B12
Dawnshire Vase 0014DDF7Silver Submachine Gun Prop 0008BB31
New Floral Barrel Vase 000AC91BTack Hammer 001A0B11
New Willow Barrel Vase 000AC91APaintbrush 00060ECF
New Teal Barrel Vase 000AC918Wooden Block – I & D 00059B1D
New Floral Bud Vase 000AC917Wooden Block – N & S 00197503
New Willow Bud Vase 000AC916Wooden Block – B & Y 00197502
New Teal Bud Vase 000AC915Wooden Block – V & F 00197501
New Floral Vaulted Vase 000AC914Sensor Module 001ACC8E
New Willow Vaulted Vase 000AC913Rat Poison 00060ED8
New Teal Vaulted Vase 000AC909Ring Stand 000EC8B3
New Floral Flared Vase 000AC8EETin Can 0001F90A
New Willow Flared Vase 000AC8EDScalpel 00059B43
New Teal Flared Vase 000AC8ECTable Knife 00059AE1
New Floral Rounded Vase 000AC8EADog Tags 00060EBF
New Willow Rounded Vase 000AC8E8Table Spoon 00060E96
New Teal Rounded Vase 000AC8E6Dinner Fork 00060E93
Floral Barrel Vase 000AC8E3Dinner Plate 00060E90
Floral Bud Vase 000AC8E1Can 0001F909
Floral Vaulted Vase 000AC8E0Collander 0011DA11
Floral Flared Vase 000AC8D9HalluciGen Gas Canister 000E69AF
Floral Rounded Vase 000AC8CFSurgical Scalpel 000C9ADA
Teal Barrel Vase 000AC8CDBandage Scissors 000C9AD7
Teal Bud Vase 000AC8CCPaladin Brandis’ Holotag 000B1DBB
Teal Vaulted Vase 000AC8CAScribe Faris’ Holotag 000B1DBA
Teal Flared Vase 000AC8C8Knight Astlin’s Holotag 000B1DB9
Teal Rounded Vase 000AC8C6Knight Varham’s Holotag 000B1DB8
Willow Barrel Vase 000AC8C2Gear 000E1FF9
Willow Bud Vase 000AC8C1Torque Rod End 000E1FF8
Willow Vaulted Vase 000AC8C0Knight Rylan’s Holotag 000BDCDD
Willow Flared Vase 000AC8BFInitiate Clarke’s Holotag 000BDA4E
Willow Rounded Vase 000AC8BEDanse’s Holotags 000D10AB
Warwick Pump Piece 0005927ABrotherhood of Steel Holotag 000BDA4F
Small Plate 000488DFEmpty Can 0016D8C9
Small Serving Plate 000488DEAntique Table Knife 00140B2F
Small Dinner Plate 000488DDFork 00140B29
Deathclaw Hand 0002EF67Plate 00140B27
Cracked Deathclaw Egg 0014F6ACUnrusted Tin Can 000F15BB
Pristine Deathclaw Egg 00190AE4Reflex Capacitor 000C30E0
Tissue Sample 000EB2B0Haptic Drive 000C30DF
Left Foot Bones 000347EBFlux Sensor 000C30DE
Right Foot Bones 000347EAAluminum Tray 0016D8CA
Left Hand Bones 000347E3Small Covered Sauce Pan 0003D3AB
Right Hand Bones 000347E2Small Sauce Pan Lid 0003D3AA
Tibia 00188C9CSmall Sauce Pan 0003D3A9
Skull Cap Bone 00188CA2Sauce Pan Lid 0003D3A7
Skull Fragment 00188CA1Ruptured HalluciGen Gas Canister 0016D041
Human Jaw 00188CA0Clothes Hanger 001BE890
Skull Eye Socket 00188C9FBattered Clipboard 0001F92F
Skull Faceplate 00188C9ESilver Table Spoon 00060E95
Broken Tibia 00188C9BSilver Table Knife 00060E8D
Broken Femur 00188C9ASilver Fork 00060E8B
Femur 00188C99Silver Plate 00060E91
Shem Drowne’s Skull 00147D5DToy Car 00059B1C
Chalk 00140D98New Toy Car 000FCE2F
Military Grade Duct Tape 00060E78Derby-Winning Toy Car 0014DD23
Piezonucleic Liner 0002CC42Globe 001A7DA6
Military Ammo Bag 00060E77Handcuffs 00059B3F
Industrial Oil Canister 001AB5EEPepper Mill 00020189
Aluminum Canister 00176054Clean Pepper Mill 00020184
TV Dinner Tray 00059B2CBonesaw 00059B40
Surgical Tray 00059AD8Extinguisher 0001F8F9
Coolant Cap 000E1FF0Spatula 00059B0F
Cake Pan 0001A333Radscorpion Stinger 000628ED
Clean Coffee Tin 00020191Empty Blood Sac 00028A64
Clean Cake Pan 0001A32FBloodbug Proboscis 00028668
Coffee Tin 00020194Shopping Basket 00090E5E
Vegetable Starch 000657FECoffee Pot 000211CC
Anti Freeze Bottle 00060E73Untarnished Coffee Pot 0019930E
Suprathaw Antifreeze 001C7F31Luxobrew Coffee Pot 001C7F1B
Reactor Coolant 0017BE8BScissors 00059B44
Coolant 000C437FClothing Iron 00059ADE
Ichor Sac 00028A62Fancy Hairbrush 00060ECD
Gold Bar 00100E1ESilver Hairbrush 0014DDFF
Copper Bar 00100E19Hubcap 0007E941
Ball-Peen Hammer 0004D1F3Bone Cutter 000C9ADE
Hammer 001A4AB0Toothpaste 00199A88
Claw Hammer 001A0B14Giddyup Buttercup Toy Parts 00031AAF
Blacksmith Hammer 001A0B13Enhanced Targeting Card 000E7E71
Masonry Hammer 001A0B12NX-42 Guidance Chip 0004E3A2
Silver Submachine Gun Prop 0008BB31Charge Card 00084AAC
Tack Hammer 001A0B11Toothbrush 00060ECE
Paintbrush 00060ECFPen 00140D99
Wooden Block – I & D 00059B1DPlastic Knife 00060E94
Wooden Block – N & S 00197503Plastic Spoon 00059B10
Wooden Block – B & Y 00197502Plastic Fork 00059ACB
Wooden Block – V & F 00197501Wilson Atomatoys ID Card 0002A6FF
Sensor Module 001ACC8EGeneral Atomics ID Card 00046D13
Rat Poison 00060ED8Empty Blood Pack 0014242A
Ring Stand 000EC8B3Courser Chip 0006D0E8
Tin Can 0001F90ASynth Component 000CFF74
Scalpel 00059B43IV Bag 00142428
Table Knife 00059AE1Reporter’s Pen 0014DDAF
Dog Tags 00060EBFEmpty Coolant 000C4380
Fancy Hairbrush 00060ECD
Silver Hairbrush 0014DDFF
Hubcap 0007E941
Bone Cutter 000C9ADE
Toothpaste 00199A88
Giddyup Buttercup Toy Parts 00031AAF
Enhanced Targeting Card 000E7E71
NX-42 Guidance Chip 0004E3A2
Charge Card 00084AAC
Toothbrush 00060ECE
Pen 00140D99
Plastic Knife 00060E94
Plastic Spoon 00059B10
Plastic Fork 00059ACB
Wilson Atomatoys ID Card 0002A6FF
General Atomics ID Card 00046D13
Empty Blood Pack 0014242A
Courser Chip 0006D0E8
Synth Component 000CFF74
IV Bag 00142428
Reporter’s Pen 0014DDAF
Empty Coolant 000C4380
Salt Shaker 0002018A
Clean Salt Shaker 00020183
Cigar Box 0005821E
Box of San Francisco Sunlights 00159F0D
Tabletop Picture Frame 001A8E0B
Small Picture Frame 001A89A3
Desktop Picture Frame 001A89A2
Picture Frame 0014DE02
Wooden Picture Frame 0014DE01
Cigarette 00059AB5
Lit Cigarette 0008E36D
Signal Interceptor Plans 0003FC16
Subway Token 00059AEA
Cigar 0008E36F
Folder 00140AF0
Signed Baseball Card 0004BAE9
Stogie 00159F0A
Burnt Unstoppables Comic 00132979
Burnt Grognak Comic 00132977
Burnt Manta-Man Comic 00132974
Slocum’s BuzzBites Recipe 00051388
Napkin 00027F90
Burnt Fashion Magazine 001956A0
Burnt Lifestyle Magazine 0019569F
Burnt Trade Magazine 0019569E
Lit Stogie 00159F09
San Francisco Sunlights 00154AB2
San Francisco Sunlights 0014586C
Lit Cigar 0008E36E
Detective Case File 001BD154
Flip Lighter 00058224
Unused Flip Lighter 000E377C
Soap 0019945F
MiniNuke Hemisphere Core 0017A772
Teddy Bear 00059B14
Pencil 00059AF8
Reporter’s Pencil 0014DDBD
Gold Plated Flip Lighter 00060E88
Light Bulb 0005A0D3
Research Test Tube 00059B16
Shot Glass 00059B0A
Beaker 00059B17
Test Tube 000EAFC1
Tall Flask 000EC8AB
Large Beaker 00176053
Chemistry Jar 00176052
Thin Beaker 00176051
Drinking Glass 00140B22
Flask 000EC8AD
Graduated Cylinder 00176050
Lab Bottle 0017604F
Clean Drinking Glass 00140B24
Adjustable Wrench 0004D1F5
Biometric Scanner 00154AD3
Prototype Biometric Scanner 0014DDFA
High-Powered Microscope 001C61C3
Crystal Liquor Decanter 00060E82
Cooking Pot 00059ABA
Vacuum Tube 00060AA3
Shadeless Table Lamp 0007830B
Broken Lamp 0007830A
Shadeless Lamp 0003F8C2
Yellow Table Lamp 0003F8C1
Blue Table Lamp 0003F8C0
Fuse 00059ACC
Broken Light Bulb 000342BA
Beaker Stand 000EC8B6
Pre-War Money 00059B02
Cotton Yarn 00060EC0
Dishrag 000A4920
Flight Data Recorder 0013A3E0
Coffee Cup 000211C4
Clean Coffee Cup 00171947
Saucer 0019269B

There are quite a few items available, as you can see, but there are even more. The above-supplied items and their codes are the most commonly searched for items. Alternatively, you may be able to find something more specific here. There you will find thousands of more items and their codes to use in the command console.


With so many item codes available in Fallout 4, you may have it all available at your fingertips.  If you don’t feel like spending hours grinding, looting, and questing, then open up that console command and make these items immediately available to you! Enjoy!